#DoJihlavy s radostí


letní Infobox

na náměstí

po celé léto

lumberjack plants

in the Amphitheater

I want to see it

kostýmované prohlídky

v Jihlavském podzemí

olympijská vesnička

v Jihlavě

tourist season

in Jihlava

that makes me wonder

letní kino

na Heulose

kam během Vysočina festu

v Jihlavě

Cirko Hopley

vystoupí v Jihlavě

v parku VŠPJ

100 let ZUŠ

kompletní program

na procházku

chci se projít



I have a taste for it

About Jihlava

Regional city of Vysočina Region bore the proud title of the silver treasury of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Even today's modern city has a lot to offer. We invite you to sightseeing, festivals with international fame, offers nature walks, sports activities, relaxation and entertainment, as well as gastronomic experiences. Just stop along the way, get off the D1 motorway and choose according to your taste.

To the city

Don't miss

Arrive To Jihlava

Audio guide for Jihlava

Listen to interesting stories during the walk.
Audio will automatically start playing as soon as you approach a place of interest.
View routes on the map and get recommendations for iconic places based on their current location.

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